Monday, January 31, 2011

American:Class of 76

'Ford' was still president and for Ex-Pats who found themselves in the hollow north of the 49th parallel it was the 'American Women's Club' who made sure right hands were placed over hearts. If it wasn't science fiction it was as close as I will ever come to fantasy and I say that with utmost respect. Me not the American, would have traded citizenship on a dime that year if it were at all possible. One of my life's greatest disappointments was that my children could not attain Dual-Citizenship at birth. I was crossing the border by the virtue of marriage and into a good family. I have never forgotten what that summer meant to me but in the roundabout way life has of shaking free cobwebs I am there again.

'Pater' in this case stands as a symbol not likely to be repeated any time soon. What wasn't already 'rooted' was moved from Texas to Toronto as the finishing touches were applied to his makeup. Hand-picked and backed by board consensus R.W. was to be the next President & CEO for a Grandaddy of the Canadian Corporate landscape. One of a very very few business empires that was born here and had grown into a Global Giant. 'Blue Chip' on both sides of the border and annual sales eclipsing 2 Billion dollars, U.S. Back when a 'Billion' really meant something.

The U.S. market was it's biggest share but all other foreign positions significant enough to classify it amongst the elite and premiere Multinationals. The U.K., Europe, Japan and South America all passing topics at one time or another around the Sunday table and the political leaders of the day assessed on intellectual merit. My emphasis was on listening, my best hope to keep up and learn. This was not enough to immerse but the wide-eye training prepared my mind.

Hard to believe that this is where I find myself but the truth is the greatest gift this relationship gave me was access to the library of books held in the study. The man was a reader and there they were. It was a classic education in American Contemporary Thought. 'Drucker' to 'Vonnegut' and if I tired 'Michener' or 'Leon Uris' to lighten things up.

'Patriotism' was not something I was familiar with aside from Canada-Russia in 1972 and that is different, closer to cheering for 'Madden and The Raiders' on Sunday afternoon. Come to think of it, as happy and proud that I was that Canada had won, my favorite player had been 'Kharlamov' and I was ashamed by Canada's criminal strategy to neutralize him. So 'patriotism' not so much in my nature.

By now we all know that when America decides to throw a party it will be hard to match. 1976 was a celebration and I wore the flag with pride. This 'turn' would see me make some interesting career choices, working for U.S. Corporations and being 'The American' in the Canadian Subsidiary. My behaviour/demeanor would have been enough to make me stand out I think but that somehow I had an intrinsic understanding of a U.S. business plan I rapidly became a 'Key Interpreter' and indispensable example of 'The Spirit of the Program'. I have been rarely happier than sitting down in a U.S. board room. My crowning moment taking over the 'Pacific Northwest Unit' and driving 'Alaska' to the top of Division rankings.

There is hardly anything more 'American' than the 'Alaskan' business experience. Comparisons to 'The Lower 48' are not allowed and every other person is from 'Oklahoma'. Asked to explain Canada and I found that I could not without using some reference to 'socialism'. The nearest I ever got to an accurate rationalization was that 'Canada was a really big geographic landmass with not a lot of people, all of whom eager to live an 'American' lifestyle to which governments agreed and subsidized without the revenue to afford'. They 'got' that. I stop short of 'Fifty-First' state preferring instead that west of the Rockies has more in common with Washington and Oregon; Alberta and Saskatchewan with the Dakota's and Montana; Manitoba and Minnesota; Ontario in New York and the Eastern Seaboard as one. Quebec I wish I could line you up with Louisiana but in my equation you get what you want, Separate.

That our foreign policy mimics the U.S. (albeit sometimes poorly) suggests to me what the rest of the world already seems to know; Canada, really, doesn't matter.

I sure love our health-care and without it I'd be in sad shape but in case you haven't been paying attention, guess what, we can't afford it. 'Harper' has been moving us away from it slowly and a two-tier solution is already flourishing yet it is against the law. I see it in Ontario though still only in pockets and in Alberta and to a lesser extent in British Colombia, it is only thinly veiled. A well known former Provincial Premier flew into The States for surgery; it made domestic headlines but no one was surprised and judging by the reaction there was no outrage. 'Goddamn lucky for him' or 'I wish I had his millions' closer to the truth I think. Hospitals have been closing for over a decade and we all should know by now that if you choose to live very far from a major urban center your health-care  solution is not at your back door and neither is your milk.

Our National Leaders point to Vancouver and the success of the Olympics as signs of a maturing identity. Hmm, yes there might be something to that. I was involved in the recent games; organization, back-room, behind the cameras stuff from the days before being named the winning host 'City' They were awarded to 'Vancouver', a city very nearly evenly split on whether this was an event 'they' wanted to pay for. The cheering in the streets and the stands had as much to do with being happy that we didn't screw it up and that it had stopped raining long enough that 'NBC' could get some great camera shots of what anyone in British Colombia is really proud of; the truly breathtaking beauty of the mountains and ocean. Unless 'Nature' fits your definition of the 'Bricks and Mortar' used in building a country, what took place in 'Vancouver' was not 'Canada's' show. My suspicion is that the 'flag-waving' taking place across the border had more to do with 'penis envy'. For anyone born in this country all we ever really want is to be 'American'. Think I am wrong?

What are you watching on television tonight?

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