Friday, February 25, 2011

'Steve McQueen' and 'Gaga'

It takes time for things to work themselves out. Days like this you have to wonder how long is too long which is a variation of The Smiths 'How Soon is Now'.

On a Sunday night in the last century I was in Niagara Falls or somewhere on the peninsula. I had just checked into my motel room (business meeting next morning) and sat at the desk trying to tune in CFNY and catch the end of the Top 100 songs of all time. The last time 'NY' did this 'Stairway to Heaven' won to the outrage of the jocks and us listeners. Their demographic was way different back then and the ballot system had betrayed them. We were all favorites of The Clash, New Order, Japan, Depeche Mode, The list goes on. How could this happen? This time CFNY changed the parameters. We were hoping for a bit of justice to be served.

'Steve McQueen' was the British title for Prefab Sprout's 'Two Wheels Good' album and that was my general frame of mind. When they announced number one I cheered; The Smiths what could be better?

As an adult (you'll see) now (lol and all that) I am listening to more Jazz. The station I listen to is 91.1. Their rotation is not what I turned-on to out of Seattle but it is growing on me and I have found that I am learning about music again. This especially true of 'The Brad Barker' program in the afternoon. Mr. Barker is also the music director. I thought his name was familiar and did a bit of digging. 'The Pursuit of Happiness' no less. Who of that age will ever forget Moe Berg and (wait for it) "I am an Adult Now". The symmetry explodes before my eyes.

If you can, give it a listen. Jazz and 91.1 just might do it for you if you can put away the phone long enough. You might get lucky and he'll be playing some Miles Davis. 'So What' you ask. It will rip you a new one.

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